Look for information and answer the following questions:
-Have you ever heard about The Little Prince?
-What do you know about him?
-Who was the story written by?
-Look for some important data about the writer and the story
-Look for some famous quotes by The Little Prince
The Little Prince
Quotes 2
writer 2
The students share their information; they are in groups; They choose and vote for the quote they like the most
Watch the video and check pronunciation
What´s the meaning of "tame"?
then, listen to the following and answer the questions:
What happened?
How far away was he from?
Where was he sleeping on?
Why was he astonished?
What was the man asked to do?
What did the man learn?
Where do good plants come from?
Where do bad plants come from?
What´s the meaning of "burst into pieces"?